1. Go to Main Menu
2. Then tools
3. Options
4.[ AT TOP There You see a ROSTER ELEMENTS]
a. Erase the Tickmark of (Show Statuses)
b. Erase the Tickmark of (Show clients icons)
5.[GO DOWN there You see a MESSAGES]
a.Tickmark the ( Show ballons)
b.Erase the Tickmark of (show nicknames)
Leave them all default except up2 points
6.[GO DOWN there You see a APPLICATION]
a.Tickmark the (share platform info)
7.[GO DOWN there You see a GMT OFFSET]
a. Put the current time of your city
b. Edit with 0, 5 , 9 , 12 etc serail to activate the current time
8. [GO DOWN there You see a PANELS]NEAR panels down you see a Show Time and Traffic
a. Tickmark (Show Time and Traffic) to display time and Data uses on Bombusmod Display. At LAST SAVE THEM ALL and enjoy with b0mbusm0d.